Tag: Home Living

Posted on 03/09/2025
Party at Home: 3 Tips and Pillars for Throwing a Successful House Party
Atmosphere is everything with just about any home, gathering or party. If the atmosphere is lacking, chances are enjoyment levels will decrease. So what is a host to do when throwing a house party with various atmospheric elements? Here are three major areas that will instantly boost your party’s atmosphere and how to achieve the best fit for...
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Posted on 06/16/2024
6 Ways to Treat & Prevent Whiteflies
Whiteflies are a common pest affecting both houseplants and outdoor gardens. Like many plant pests, whiteflies can damage and even kill your plants if left untreated. Luckily, there are several ways to treat whitefly infestations in your houseplants. Here are some of the most effective methods: Vacuum Whiteflies can be sucked up with a vacuum and disposed of...
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Posted on 02/19/2023
Backyard Party: 3 Low-to-No-Contact Games for Your Outdoor Gathering
Have you ever gotten together with friends or family only to realize you don’t know what activities to engage in? Maybe you have a great outdoor space that’s primed and ready, but you just don’t know how to incorporate playful activities into it. Fret not. Here are 3 easygoing and low-to-no-contact games for you and your guests. Kickball...
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Posted on 02/05/2023
DIY Screen Divider Guide
There are a plethora of creative ways to divide a room. There are also many room dividers you can DIY to save money while building something completely custom. One simple and convenient way to divide a room is with a folding screen. Here is all of the info you'll need to make your own screen room divider. Materials...
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Posted on 01/08/2023
Simple & Delicious Salad Skewers to Share
Even in a group full of veggie-lovers, a big bowl of salad is not a convenient party snack. Luckily, most popular salad recipes can be turned into handheld party appetizers. Here are some ideas and recipes for making fresh and tasty salad skewers for your next get-together: Caprese Salad Skewers Caprese salad is a party favorite you can...
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Posted on 01/01/2023
Potluck for Breakfast? Try These Easy Dishes
Not every potluck is a lunch or evening event. Breakfast potlucks are common in workplaces, schools, churches and many other places where people gather. While it might seem difficult to come up with shareable breakfast foods, there are many simple things you can bring to a breakfast potluck. Here are some ideas: Easy Egg Muffins Egg muffins are...
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Posted on 10/30/2022
How your home can help you beat work-from-home burnout
“Work from home burnout” refers to being in your home constantly and having a lack of location change affect your work-life balance and mental health negatively. Some have reported feeling tired or just losing their focus throughout the day the longer they work from home. In fact, remote workers may have to work a little more to make...
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Posted on 10/23/2022
What You Need to Know About Growing Night Blooming Jasmine Indoors
The night blooming jasmine vine is a popular addition to summer gardens, but also grows successfully indoors. With the right care and conditions, you can enjoy the climbing vines and flowers this plant has to offer in your own home. Here are some key tips for growing night-blooming jasmine indoors: Light Night blooming jasmine prefers indirect bright light...
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Posted on 11/07/2021
This Italian Pasta Salad Is a Potluck Classic
Pasta salad is an old standby regarding potluck recipes. Most recipes take less than an hour to make and involve inexpensive ingredients you might already have in your kitchen. However, since pasta salad is such a diverse dish, there is an overwhelming amount of different recipes available. If you’re not sure where to start, here is a simple...
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Posted on 10/03/2021
Tips for Choosing Seats and Décor for Home Gaming
When you have a gaming room in your home, you can enjoy playing video games in comfort. Having high-quality video and audio equipment is an essential part of any gaming room, but you can also add some style with the seating and decor you choose. If you’re exploring options for gaming room decor and seats, the following tips...
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